While living out in Vancouver this past summer, I reconnected with rapper, Snak The Ripper, an artist who’s been putting in work for the past 12 or so years and has evolved in major ways over that time. I first knew him through those old Myspace days, and then performed (with Spesh K) as an opening act for him back in 2013 or something, but hadn’t spoken again since. While attending his show in August in Vancouver, we discussed that we’d both be back in Toronto for September 13th, for his tour stop at the infamous Lee’s Palace, and that I should come join to film the festivities. I then actually got delayed leaving Vancouver for a few days, but drove those 4500kms as fast as possible to get back to Toronto in time for the show, arriving that morning at 5am, took a nap and then made it to the venue to shoot that amazing performance! And here’s the video to prove it 😉
– Solo