The Spring and Summer of 2015 were some difficult times in my life. So I decided to quit my job, pack up my camera, and jump in my car for the most amazing 5-month roadtrip. I saw some incredible sights and did some awesome shit to go along with it. And most importantly, grew more as a person in that short time, than possibly my entire lifetime before. You only live once, so you might as well do what you want to do.
I think it’s best to let the photos speak for themselves, though I will be sharing some select stories… SELECT… haha… AND, you will all get to see and understand a lot more soon enough with the video project I have ready and excited as hell to show!
So for now, enjoy my drive out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada… and headed for the West Coast…
– Solo
So as you can see, Northern Ontario was quite beautiful…
I didn’t take many photos of the Prairies…
Because, well.. It looked like this.
Made it to Calgary, took some shots, got freaked out by their over-sized wild bunny rabbits. Like seriously, medium-sized dogs yo. Crazy.
I thought I could avoid the snow by heading West, but then I arrived in Banff, Alberta just in time for their first-snow-storm of the year… But also kinda love the shots I got with the snow, so I toughed it out 😉
And that’s Roadtrip Pt.1!!
Beautiful British Columbia is up next, where the real fun begins!
Stay Tuned!